Charles Kelley Officially Releases His Goodbye Letter to Alcohol, “As Far As You Could”

I mean, damn, I can barely remember all those late night documentaries we watched on Netflix. goodbye letter to alcohol examples And you gave me a short fuse at my temper. Yep, you ignited that on way too many occasions.

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And the obsession is gone; I don’t miss you. And I don’t blame you either anymore. I’m responsible for my own behavior now. I know I’ll never completely forget my first love – no one ever really does. I spent years trying to leave you, but I never succeeded for more than a few days or weeks at a time.

goodbye letter to alcohol

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  • Saying goodbye to you seems like the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do.
  • You’ve been around for quite some time now, and I thought you’d never leave.
  • I mean, damn, I can barely remember all those late night documentaries we watched on Netflix.
  • With the help, love, and support of God, as well as my family and counselors, I crawled out of the dirt and fought back.
  • Alcohol,We have been together for such a long time.
  • You brought more pain and suffering and became the neediest relationship I’ve ever had.
  • I’m just sorry I abused our relationship.

Relationships have been restored, and new ones have begun. I’ve said goodbye to relationships that held me back and hello to ones that push me to be the best version of myself. With the help, love, and support of God, as well as my family and counselors, I crawled out of the dirt and fought back. You told me everything would be just fine if I would let you control my life. You are filled with empty promises that you’ll play nice and only come to visit once in a while. Instead, you camped out in my home, my car, my office and even went so far as to hide in my suitcase on our family trip to Disneyland.

Do we actually put pen to paper, or physically write a letter?

goodbye letter to alcohol

I abused you until you started to abuse me back. I justified using you, saying that you fueled my creativity when in reality all you did was sap away a bright and alert mind. For half my life you acted like a crutch, but now you have left me crippled. When I first met you, I wasn’t sure how I felt. I liked the way you made me feel, but I didn’t like how I was around you.

Talk About the Benefits of Sobriety

By showing me who I don’t want to be, you showed me who I do want to be. If there is one thing I have learned in the years since we broke up it is that regret is pointless and harmful. Occasionally, I would ponder if our relationship was a healthy one. You made everything a little more exciting, and I loved you for it. Without you, Addiction, I’m doing things I’ve never thought were possible. I have people that I love, and I know they love me back.

Lady A’s Charles Kelley Was ‘Crushed’ When Wife Cassie Told Him Son, 7, ‘Was Noticing’ His Drinking – PEOPLE

Lady A’s Charles Kelley Was ‘Crushed’ When Wife Cassie Told Him Son, 7, ‘Was Noticing’ His Drinking.

Posted: Wed, 10 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

With all the will I have, you will not be permitted in my life again. It did raise some bitter feelings, but also made me think about these feelings. It lead to quite a lot of introspection on my part, an aspect of finding your own alcohol off switch that I truly believe helped me – in fact, the main catalyst for me stopping drinking. We are no longer taking on your name as we move away from you either.

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If you choose, you can save the letter, send it off in the mail, or share it with your counselor. Before we find our own alcohol off switch, there is a good chance that we have tried to quit alcohol before, and have experienced ‘falling off the wagon’ numerous times. This is (sadly) the nature of addiction. This will be the last time that I am in contact with you, I know you will crop up in my life and in lives of people that I care about.

  • How could you come between my family and me?
  • Then I realised that you actually shielded me from growing into a person.
  • Your addiction breakup letter may also help you in the future.
  • I was sick with withdrawal from you, but I felt your hold weakening.

Bad decisions are far and few and if I do happen to make one it’s comforting to know you had nothing to do with it. As a result, I no longer experience anxiety nor am I riddled with panic, disgrace or the feelings of emptiness you always left me with. I’m connecting with myself and others in an authentic, genuine and mindful way these days. He concludes by accepting his past and looking toward his new future singing, you’re a part of my story / good times I won’t forget / I can say I’m glad you’re gone. When I got sober I went to detox, and then to an outpatient program. For over a year I attended an early recovery group meeting once a week along with therapy and a 12-step program.

It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. “Being on the road with our fans is our greatest joy, so it was a hard but important decision to make,” the band wrote in a message to fans. “We are a band, but more importantly, we’re family. We’re proud to say that Charles has embarked on a journey to sobriety. Your addiction breakup letter may also help you in the future. When times get tough in recovery, you can look back on this letter and be reminded of why you decided to get clean in the first place.

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